Daddy is our super hero - Mom
Talking about parenting , in fact father's role is no less important than you know from the mother. Yup, the presence or figure of a father is very much needed by the baby since he was born until he was an adult. This is how Bun, children who grow up with parenting involving fathers usually have social and academic lives that tend to be better than those who are just within or don't have good communication with their father. This was presented by Maureen Black, PhD, a researcher and professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. "We found children who in their fostering patterns involve fathers tend to have fewer problems," said Maureen. Specifically, Maureen's research shows that these children have better speech skills, and fewer behavioral problems, when in their upbringing involves a father figure. Similar research also came from the University of Illinois. Children who don't even live in one house with their father....